Trade press, 2013-06-12, 01:15 pm
Dr. Ulrich Roeske will speak at EURO CanTech 2013
At the EURO CanTech conference, which will be held in Birmingham (UK) from June 26 to 28, 2013, Dr. Ulrich Roeske, Executive Board Chairman of ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein, will be speaking about the current market position of packaging steel in Europe.
ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein, an enterprise with 253 years of corporate history, is not only Germany’s sole packaging steel producer. It operates the world’s largest production site for this material at its Andernach location and considers Europe to be its home market. The starting point for Dr. Roeske’s remarks is the stable but mature and largely saturated European market.
The region is characterized by the level of consumer expectations, which are among the highest in the world. These expectations relate in particular to product individualization and environmental acceptability. Roeske identifies the solution providing expertise in packaging steel that is available around the world to match both of these “horizons of expectation”.
Moreover, in response to the globally growing awareness of the fragility of our environment, Roeske considers packaging steel a top environmental performer: diametrically opposed to “plastic planet” scenarios generated by other packaging materials, packaging steel as a “permanent material” with outstanding high recycling rate and great further downgauging potential provides benchmark answers to burning sustainability questions put forward by consumers.