Employee and Human Rights
We believe that respect for employee and human rights is a fundamental aspect of responsible corporate governance. For this reason, we are committed to upholding internationally recognized employee rights and human rights standards and are committed to complying with the International Bill of Human Rights of the United Nations, the fundamental employee rights of the respective applicable national legislation, and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
The following policies, guidelines and standards underscore our strong and binding commitment to upholding and respecting employee and human rights:
Code of Conduct
The thyssenkrupp Code of Conduct sets out the key principles and basic rules for our actions and our behavior toward business partners and the public. It provides employees, managers and the Executive Board alike with a framework for orientation.
International Framework Agreement (IFA)
In 2015 thyssenkrupp AG, the Group Works Council, the IG Metall trade union and the IndustriALL Global Union concluded an International Framework Agreement (IFA) on global minimum labor standards at thyssenkrupp. In addition to recognizing the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the IFA includes principles on good occupational health and safety, opportunities for professional and personal development, the right to adequate remuneration, the prohibition of child and forced labor, and the prohibition of discrimination of any kind.
In addition, thyssenkrupp has set up an international committee with the participation of the Group Works Council, European Works Council and trade unions, which is tasked with intervening in cases of violations or disputes that cannot be resolved locally. As agreed, incoming reports are processed in consultation between the International Committee and thyssenkrupp.
thyssenkrupp Supplier Code of Conduct
At thyssenkrupp we have developed a Supplier Code of Conductwhich clearly formulates our expectations of suppliers. The Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our aim is to work only with suppliers who adhere to the principles set out in the code and comply with national laws in this context.
thyssenkrupp Conflict Minerals Statement
The extraction of certain minerals sometimes contributes to significant human rights violations and the financing of violent conflicts in the regions of origin. Due to the higher risk, the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation and the US Conflict Minerals Regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) set minimum due diligence and reporting requirements for the sourcing of these minerals. These regulations focus on specific regions, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries, where the risk is particularly high.
Conflict minerals include tantalum, tin, tungsten (and the ores from which they are extracted) and gold, regardless of where they are mined, processed or sold.
thyssenkrupp is not subject to SEC oversight and therefore has no legal obligation to comply with the conflict minerals requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act. At the same time, we recognize that the regulations require our direct and indirect customers to conduct appropriate due diligence within their global supply chains.
thyssenkrupp Modern Slavery Statement
thyssenkrupp aims to eliminate slavery and human trafficking both in its supply chain and in its own operations. Our efforts in this regard are described in the "thyssenkrupp Modern Slavery Statement", which was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act (2015) and the Australian Modern Slavery Act (2018).
Our understanding of employee and human rights at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe
Human and employee rights
thyssenkrupp attaches particular importance to compliance with the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, taking into account the laws and legal standards applicable in the various countries and locations, the fundamental employee rights of the respective applicable national legislation, and recognition of the ILO core labor standards.
Child labor
At thyssenkrupp all forms of child labor are prohibited and must be avoided. Children must not be hindered in their development. Their dignity must be respected and their safety and health must not be impaired but protected by appropriate measures.
thyssenkrupp is committed to a working environment that is consistently free from discrimination of any kind. Employees must not be disadvantaged, favored or harassed on the basis of characteristics such as gender, skin color, religion, nationality, political or other convictions, ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity or other characteristics.
Diversity management is therefore an integral part of our HR policy. We have enshrined this, among other things, in our Mission Statement, the Principles for Managers, by signing the "Diversity Charter" and with our commitment to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Free & Equal Initiative of the Human Rights Office (as one of the first 100 companies). In addition, we are member of the German think tank "Prout Employer" and of the German Demographics Network ddn.
We do not tolerate degrading disciplinary actions and are committed to creating a work environment in which respectful treatment is encouraged and no arbitrary disciplinary actions or actions that violate the dignity of the individual are taken.
Forced labor
thyssenkrupp is committed to ensuring that no form of forced or compulsory labor, (modern) slavery or human trafficking is permitted in our companies, nor do any companies of the Group participate in it. All activities must be carried out on a voluntary basis. Employees must be free to part from their employer at their own discretion, subject to the statutory notice periods. Forced labor refers to all forms of bonded labor. thyssenkrupp prohibits all monitoring measures such as the withholding of identification documents, passports, training certificates, work permits or deposits as a condition of employment.
Our corresponding activities are described in the "thyssenkrupp Modern Slavery Statement", which was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act (2015) and the Australian Modern Slavery Act (2018).
Compensation and working hours
thyssenkrupp complies with the applicable national legislation on working hours. If no national legislation exists, the international standards of the ILO apply. Furthermore, employees are expected to receive compensation that is at least in line with the respective applicable national laws and the legally valid and guaranteed minimum income and social benefits.
Our fatigue management includes the following points in particular:
- Fatigue is taken into account in the organization of working hours, the planning of shift patterns and the observance of rest periods,
- overtime is worked on a voluntary basis
- appropriate breaks are granted
- paid annual leave of 30 vacation days is granted per year for full-time employees
Remuneration is also based on international standards, including the principle of equal pay for work of equal value regardless of gender. In particular, we are committed to paying appropriate compensation that is at least equal to the minimum wage set under applicable law and also enables our employees to at least secure their livelihood. At thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG this is ensured by the application of the collective wage agreements of the iron and steel industry in North Rhine-Westphalia, which also includes the application of the collective pay agreements.
Occupational health and safety
As an employer, we ensure that all legal health and safety requirements are met to ensure the health and safety of our employees. We support the continuous improvement of our working conditions and our employees' awareness of healthy and safe behavior in order to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses. Our occupational health and safety management includes the identification, assessment and reduction of actual and potential accident and health risks, the recording and investigation of incidents, the training and instruction of employees in a form they can understand, the provision of suitable work equipment and protective gear, and appropriate emergency preparedness and response measures.
Freedom of association
thyssenkrupp respects, in accordance with national legislation, the rights of employees to form an employee representative body, to engage in collective bargaining and the right to strike. Joining or forming such an employee representation may not be used as a reason for discrimination or retaliation. Trade unions must be allowed to operate freely and in accordance with the law of the place of destination.
Human rights protection with regards to security personnel
If we as thyssenkrupp use security personnel to protect our operations and facilities, they must comply with our internal requirements, in particular with regard to human rights. They are bound by the thyssenkrupp Code of Conduct and, in the case of external service providers, by the Supplier Code of Conduct.