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galfan® – excellent corrosion protection and forming properties

galfan® zinc-aluminum coated steel for engineering parts in the auto sector, such as motor housings. Source: PWO AG

galfan® zinc-aluminum coated sheet (ZA) from thyssenkrupp Steel is a quality sheet product that is protected against corrosion by a dense, uniform, firmly adherent coating consisting of approx. 95% zinc and 5% aluminum.

Its particularly high corrosion resistance makes galfan® zinc-aluminum coated sheet suitable for a wide range of engineering parts in the auto sector, such as such as oil filter housings, electric motor housings of wiper motors and airbag housings.

galfan® zinc-aluminum coated sheet is available in different grades of deep-drawing steels, general structural steels, and micro-alloyed steels. Also available with differential coating, i.e. we offer galfan® with different coatings on each side.

Ideal for processing

Motor housing for windshield wipers (Source: Bosch)
galfan®-coated sheet for motor housings for windshield wipers.

An additional feature is that the intermetallic phase between the steel substrate and the coating is either very thin or absent completely, giving galfan® excellent forming properties. Thus it is ideal for complicated shapes with tight radii.

Available steel grades

Deep-drawing steel
DIN EN 10346

Steel grade ZA

Hot-dip coated structural steel
DIN EN 10346

Steel grade ZA

High-strength IF steel
DIN EN 10346

Steel grade ZA
HC220Y / HX220YD

Micro-alloyed steel
DIN EN 10346

Steel grade ZA
HC260LA / HX260LAD
HC300LA / HX300LAD
HC340LA / HX340LAD
HC380LA / HX380LAD
HC420LA / HX420LAD

Serial production
On request

Dimensional and shape tolerances to EN 10 143.


Available surface finishes, hot-dip coated

Minimum coating two-sided sample [g/m2] Auflage je Seite an Einflächenprobe [μm]
Coating Specification Triple spot sample Single spot sample Thickness Typicl thickness
ZA95 DIN EN 10346 95 80 5 – 12 7
ZA130 DIN EN 10346 130 110 7 – 15 10
ZA185 DIN EN 10346 185 150 10 – 20 14
ZA200 DIN EN 10346 200 170 11 – 21 15
ZA255 DIN EN 10346 255 215 15 – 27 20
ZA300 DIN EN 10346 300 255 17 – 31 23
Other coatings and different coatings per side are available on request.

Coating process
As with hot-dip galvanized sheet, galfan® zinc-aluminum coated sheet is produced in a continuous process (furnace, metal bath).

Type of surfaces
Zinc-aluminum coated sheet galfan® is available in three surface finishes: A (Normal surface), B (Improved surface), C (Best surface) to DIN EN 10346.

Surface treatments

The following surface treatments are available: Without surface treatment1 (U), Passivated (C), Chemically passivated and oiled1 (CO), Oiled (O) , and Sealed (S).

It is possible to set a specific roughness by prior arrangement.

galfan® offers good paint adhesion and is particularly suitable for organic coating. In general, all known organic coating methods can be used. In the painted condition galfan® offers particularly high corrosion protection.

1 On request

Processing of galfan® coated steel


All common forming processes used for cold-rolled sheet can be used for galfan® sheets if die geometry and surface are adapted accordingly. The type of zinc coating in conjunction with the surface topography has a decisive influence on the tribology of the forming process.

The characteristic parameter is the coefficient of friction μ. At thyssenkrupp Steel the coefficient of friction is determined in the strip drawing test between plane parallel tools. The scatter band results from the different oil coating weights and the roughness spectrum. When changing over from a different surface finish (coating) to zinc-aluminum coated sheet, the blank shape, blankholder forces or the geometry of the drawing bead may have to be adapted to the flow behavior of the material in the flange area.

To avoid coating abrasion, the die surface in the region of the blankholder, drawing beads and drawing radii must be completely smooth. Finishing of the die surfaces must be carried out in the flow direction of the material. Weld repairs must be finished carefully. As a guide, Rz values of approx. 1.6 μm (corresponding to Ra of approx. 0.15 μm) should be targeted. In addition the die surfaces should be hardened or plasma-nitrided to reduce susceptibility to adhesion.

With simple forming operations sealed surfaces can be formed dry if the active die surfaces are suitably polished.

Processing instructions for joining

All thermal and mechanical joining techniques can be used, as can adhesive bonding and sealing. However, the particular properties of the galfan® coating ZA require the processing parameters for some joining techniques to be adapted. Joining techniques which do not impair the surface, i.e. which preserve the anticorrosion properties of the coating, such as clinching and adhesive bonding are gaining in importance.

The preferred welding processes are resistance spot welding, projection welding and seam welding. These processes are easy to automate, cause little surface damage or component distortion and do not require weld fillers. It should be noted that, compared with uncoated cold-rolled sheet, a higher welding current is needed due to the lower contact resistance caused by the coating and the required higher electrode force.

The electrodes must be cooled intensively, as there is a strong tendency to electrode pick-up with the galfan® coating. With the CuCrZr electrodes used for preference in resistance spot welding, high electrode lifetimes can be achieved without remilling by stepper control of the welding current. In seam welding, electrode pick-up necessitates frequent cleaning of the rollers. Projection welding can be used with galfan® without any problems, provided the projection geometry and welding parameters are kept constant within close limits.

The laser beam, metal active gas (MAG), and tungsten inert gas/plasma gas (TIG/plasma) welding methods commonly used for uncoated cold-rolled sheet can also be used for galfan®. However, when welding lap joints, particularly with metal active gas welding, porosity must be expected.

A great alternative is arc brazing (MIG/plasma/TIG brazing) using copper braze alloys and flanged or lap joints.

As the coating burns in the weld and corrosion protection is thus reduced in this area, processes should be preferred which introduce relatively low levels of heat into the part to be welded. A slower welding speed than that used with cold-rolled sheet improves degassing of the weld pool and avoids the formation of pores. The best results are achieved with butt joints.

When welding galfan®, welding fumes are unavoidable. The amount of fumes depends on factors such as the coating thickness and the welding process. In general, good workplace ventilation is recommended, in certain cases direct extraction of the welding fumes is advised.

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