Precision Steel - the special supplier of precision strip
Building on our many and varied activities in both the domestic and international markets we have, over the course of the last fifty years, become one of the world's leading steel refining companies.
Our core business is the production of hot rolled steel strip and special profiles made of steel.
Data & Facts
Fiscal year 2021/22 | |
External sales: (core business in billions of €) |
1.14 |
Sales volume: (in thousand tons) |
839 |
Staff (as per 09-30-2022) |
927 |
Export share | approx. 23% |
Major export countries | Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, France, Sweden, China, Poland, Brasil, Slovakia, Portugal, Estonia, Netherlands |
Evironmental Management
The business policy of thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg, in addition to high product quality and optimum economic efficiency, includes at the same level comprehensive environmental protection, safety and health.
All production processes are examined regularly for their environmental effects and are adjusted appropriately in a continuous improvement process. Environmental protection for thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg means:
- development of products which are characterised through longevity and employment of materials with high recycling capability
- continuous improvement of production processes with regard to the highest possible environmental compatibility and preservation of resources.
- monitoring and assessment of environmental effects which result through the current and planned activities as well as deduction of necessary and practical measures for the continuous reduction of environmental loads.
The existing environmental protection system was adapted to the international standard specification DIN EN ISO 14001:1996, and applies uniformly for all product areas. Here you have the possibility to take a look at our certifications.
Read more about environmental and climate protection here.
Quality Management
To the area of quality management, with research and development, belong modernly equipped laboratories for the carry out of chemical, electrochemical, physical, mechanical engineering, metallographic and physical metallurgical investigations. The production-independent quality management permanently monitors the manufacturing process from the processing of orders and input stock controls up to the final or release examination in order to ensure the quality standard required by the customers.
The central laboratory is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000-04 by the GAZ (German Corporation for Accreditation and Certification GmbH).
Here you have the possibility to take a look at our certificates.
Read more about quality management here.
Company History
- Foundation of "Limburger Fabrik-und Hüttenverein" the basis for which had been laid in 1803 by Gottfried Wilhelm Böing with his hammer works and coarse and fine wire works.
- Merger of "Limburger Fabrik-und Hüttenverein" and "Eisen-und Stahlwerke Hoesch" in Dortmund, 500 employees, DM 8m turnover, production of band iron, puddle steel, forgings and castings.
- Change of the company name to "Hoesch AG, Hohenlimburg Division".
- Merger of "Schwerter Profileisenwalzwerke AG" and "Hoesch Walzwerke AG Hohenlimburg" into "Hoesch Werke Hohenlimburg Schwerte AG".
- Merger of "Hoesch AG", Dortmund, with "Fried.Krupp AG", Essen, into "Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp"
- Hoesch Hohenlimburg GmbH become part of the division "Krupp Hoesch Verarbeitung GmbH ".
- Integration of "KSK" Leverkusen into Hoesch Hohenlimburg GmbH.
- Integration of "Waggonbau Brüninghaus GmbH" into Hoesch Hohenlimburg GmbH.
- Disintegration of the cold strip business and sale of the majority shares to Risse + Wilke Kaltband GmbH & Co., Iserlohn.
- Merger of the groups "Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp" and "Thyssen AG" into ThyssenKrupp AG.
- Sale of the cold profiles plant at Hagen-Kabel to Welser Profile GmbH.
- Conversion of the "KSK" product division at Schwerte-Westhofen into the independent company "KSK Kanten Schweißen Komponenten GmbH" and sale of the majority shares to the Holding JCW Wibo N.V.
- In the course of the restructuring of the Thyssen-Krupp Steel segment, Hoesch Hohenlimburg became a 100%-owned subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG.
- Sale of "Waggonbau Brüninghaus GmbH" to Kasdorfer Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH (KEG)
- Integration "Agozal Oberflächenveredelung GmbH Neuwied" into Hoesch Hohenlimburg GmbH
- Sale of the Schwerter special profiles to the italien Calvi Group.
- name change to thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg GmbH
Read more about the history of the thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG.