Machines driven by waterpower and steam take over the production floor. The invention of the railway boosts the speed of overland transport. Telegraphs enable rapid communication.
- Forge
- Loom
- Railway
- Telegraph
Technological innovations have shaped the way people work throughout the ages. The fourth industrial revolution is certain to also deeply affect our everyday life for years to come.
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Machines driven by waterpower and steam take over the production floor. The invention of the railway boosts the speed of overland transport. Telegraphs enable rapid communication.
- Forge
- Loom
- Railway
- Telegraph
Electricity becomes the new power source. Assembly line manufacturing heralds the age of mass production. The manufacturing process becomes specialized and is subdivided into efficient partial tasks. The range of goods and communication increases.
- Sea transport (goods)
- Assembly line (manufacturing)
- Automotive
- Telephone
Breakthrough of automation by means of electronics and IT. The PC becomes an everyday tool at home and in the office. Goods are available across the globe, communication goes mobile.
- Computer
- Cell phone
- Automation
- Air transport (goods)
IT becomes an integral part of the manufacturing process. Digital networks orchestrate machines, thus saving both time and resources. On-demand production becomes economically viable, even for small batches.
- Cloud
- 3D printing
- Drone
- Artificial intelligence
- Tailor-made DNA
- Bitcoin
- Smartphone