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Green light for the transformation

The German government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia are funding the construction and operation of thyssenkrupp Steel's first direct reduction plant to the tune of two billion euros in total. The biggest industrial decarbonization project in Germany is closely linked to the development of a hydrogen economy. A look behind the scenes.

Production of green hydrogen: on the path to serial production

Water electrolysis is the technology of choice for manufacturing green hydrogen. For decades, it has been tested and refined on a small scale. Now the challenge is to scale up quickly.

Transport of green hydrogen: cheaper with ammonia

For the transition to a hydrogen economy, industry not only needs electricity from renewable energy sources but also the expertise of plant builder thyssenkrupp Uhde. And: ammonia. Karsten Rick Radtke, Global Head of Business Development, Sales & Strategy, explains the role that the gas plays within the industrial value chain.

Electrical steel is driving the energy and mobility revolution

Our powercore® electrical steel is the key material for the energy and mobility revolution. With the help of our proven branded product, the rotational energy of wind turbines can be efficiently converted into green electricity, while the transformer process required for energy transport can be carried out with high efficiency – and therefore particularly low losses. In addition, there is the special significance for electric mobility: Because without electrical steel, these vehicles won't go anywhere.

Mission Climate Neutrality

Green steel is making a decisive contribution to Germany achieving its goal of climate neutrality. The introduction of bluemint® Steel marks another important milestone on the way to implementing the climate strategy. Find out here how and where the new CO2-reduced material is already being used.

pladur® ReflectionsOne: Colors for facades

With pladur® ReflectionsOne, industrial buildings blend harmoniously into their surroundings.

Chromium(VI)-free coating technology

thyssenkrupp Rasselstein is investing in an innovative coating facility for special chromium-coated packaging steel.

We drive electric

In Duisburg there is now an electric car in the fleet, and the icing on the cake is that it runs on power from the company’s steel plant.

E-mobility: Faster Charging

Core-oriented electrical steel boosts charging column performance

Energy transition with electrical steel

powercore® grain-oriented electrical steel is an integral component in the latest generation of transformers.

Mobility by thyssenkrupp

Electrical steel drives experts and solar car to top performance

Once around the world

The InCar®plus demonstrator has already traveled far.

Under the Australian sun

Now that the ES is over, it’s time again for the ES – the same goes for solar cars.

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